Sunshine Cove


Saturday, January 20, 2024


Designed and developed Sunshine Cove at MIT's 2024 XR hackathon with 4 other teammates.

Sunshine Cove is an immersive Augmented reality application for user's to share and curate an interactive, spatial collection of pictures, videos, notes, and audio recordings that reflects the essence of their lives.

How we built it

The project is composed of 3 parts:

  • The Unity project, which uses the Snapdragons Spaces SDK.
  • A web app which lets the user input images, audios and videos that they want to save to their Sunshine Cove.
  • The web server which allows the two to communicate.

My Contributions

  • Developed and designed the interface of the mobile app utilizing React and Javascript
  • Implemented a robust backend API with Node.js to for users to upload 3d assets into their augmented reality space.

Challenges we ran into

  • Choosing an idea was challenging. We went through many iterations to come to a conclusion.
  • Technical unexpected issues/bugs
  • Connecting the Snapdragon SDK to Unity

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Positivity and getting along. Our morale was incredible considering we had never worked together and were experiencing challenging issues.
  • Learning new technologies. Our team included designers and developers with limited knowledge before this event.
  • We completed this project and are extremely proud of each other and our hard work.

What we learned

  • We learned more about Unity and the Snapdragon Spaces SDK, which most of us had never used before.
  • How to visualize Spatial design in a 3D space and to design mobile app; how to think spatially when designing an experience
